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CSA 282-15 Guidelines for Generator Maintenance

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Table 5 - Annual inspection, test, and maintenance requirements

(See Clauses 7.3.7, 8.7.1, 11.1.2, 11.3, 11.5.1, 11.5.2,, B.13, B.23 and B.24.)

1. Complete all items specified in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4.

2. Control panel (see Clause B.23):
(a) Open all inspection covers and inspect all electrical connections.
(b) Test breakers for proper operation.
(c) Clean insulators and bushings.
(d) Test voltage regulator for proper operation.
(e) Operate all moving parts to ensure that they move freely.
(f) Clean and dress contacts as necessary.
(g) Remove all dust.
(h) Check gauge calibration.
(i) With the generator set operating at full load (see Clause 11.3), conduct an infrared survey of all electrical connections to identify any high-resistance connections.
(j) For off-site fueled generators, turn position-indicating gas valve to off-position to ensure valve rotates properly and that the audible alarm on generator control panel is activated.

3. Engine:
(a) Change engine lubrication oil and filters.
(b) Test strength of coolant and chemical protection level of coolant inhibitors.
(c) Change fuel filters, clean strainer(s), and verify that the fuel supply valve is open.
(d) Inspect the exhaust system. Check and record the back pressure of the exhaust system to ensure that it complies with the engine manufacturer’s requirements, and compare with previous readings.
(e) Clean and lubricate linkages.
(f) Inspect air filters.
(g) Inspect all mechanical connections.
(h) Inspect all electrical connections.
(i) Inspect all external surfaces of heat exchanger(s) and clean as necessary.
(j) Inspect all belts and hoses and replace if necessary.
(k) Test and inspect ignition system(s). Replace any defective components.
(l) Inspect coolant pump(s) for leaks and external wear (if belt driven, remove the belt(s) first).


CSA Weekly PDF CSA 282-09 Table 2
CSA Monthly PDF CSA 282-09 Table 3
CSA Semi-Annual PDF CSA 282-09 Table 4
CSA Annual PDF CSA 282-09 Table 5
CSA 5 Year PDF CSA 282-09 Table 6
CSA Unscheduled PDF  


Quick Link to Guidelines

Weekly CSA 282-09 Table 2
Monthly CSA 282-09 Table 3
Semi-Annual CSA 282-09 Table 4
Annual CSA 282-09 Table 5
Quinquennial CSA 282-09 Table 6

Please take your time and familiarize yourself with the requirements of each testing requirements

4. Diesel fuel storage tank(s):
The fuel oil in any storage tank (and day tank, if used) shall be tested in accordance with Clause 11.5.5, and if the fuel oil fails the test, it shall be

(a) drained and refilled with fresh fuel in accordance with Article of the National Fire Code of Canada; or
(b) full filtered to remove water, scale, bacteria, and oxidized gums/resins in order to minimize filter clogging and ensure diesel start-up (see Clause B.24 for commentary).

When the fuel is filtered, it shall be treated with a suitable conditioner and stabilizer to minimize degradation while in storage.

Note: The bottom(s) of the tank(s) shall be also tested chemically for water.

5. Generator:
(a) Test surge suppressor and rotating rectifier on brushless machines.
(b) Grease bearings (replace old grease with new) (if applicable).
(c) Clean commutator and slip rings (if applicable).
(d) Clean rotor and stator windings using clean compressed air.
(e) Inspect coupling bolts and alignment.
(f) Inspect conduits for tightness.
(g) Inspect windings at rotor and stator slots.
(h) Inspect all electrical connections.
(i) With the generator set operating at full load (see Clause 11.3), conduct an infrared survey of all electrical connections to identify any high-resistance connections.

6. Overcurrent protective devices
(a) Electrically isolate all overcurrent protective devices.
(b) Remove all dust.
(c) Test devices for proper operation.
(d) While performing the full load test required by Clause 11.3, conduct an infrared survey of all electrical connections, contacts, and energized components.

7. Transfer switches:
(a) Isolate transfer switch, open all inspection covers, and inspect all electrical connections.
(b) Operate all moving parts to ensure that they move freely.
(c) Clean and dress contacts as required.
(d) Remove all dust.
(e) Clean and lubricate linkages.
(f) Conduct an infrared survey of all electrical connections, contacts, and energized components while under load on both the normal and the emergency side.

8. Lubricate door locks and hinges (if necessary), especially those of outdoor enclosures.

9. Conduct a 2 h full-load test (see Clause 11.3).

10. As needed, review and provide instruction on the technical requirements specified in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4. with the person(s) responsible for carrying out the work.

11. Correct all defects found during inspections and tests.

12. Record all inspections, tests, and corrective actions in the log (see Clause 11.5.3).

Note: Items 2 to 12 require special skill and shall be carried out by a qualified contractor, the system manufacturer, or individuals trained and certified by the system manufacturer.


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