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Download your FREE CSA Log Sheets

Download CSA 282-15 Logs

Emergency electrical power supply for buildings maintenance logbook

On every page you will find our links to the CSA Logbooks. Why is it important to have the proper documentation? The CSA 282 Guidelines are referenced in the National Building Code of Canada and the National Fire Code of Canada, C282 is widely used by Federal, Provincial and municipal building inspectors and fire safety inspectors. When your location is inspected by building inspectors and commissioners in buildings where emergency power generators are mandated, they want to see that your records are organized, easy to find, and up to date.

To make the best use of our PDF files, its best to print them in landscape orientation and put them into a 3 ring binder with a divider separating each section to make it easier to find. Leave the logbook in the generator room so when we're done with our inspection we can fill them out for you. It will also make it easier for your onsite personnel to fill it out when they do their weekly and monthly inspections, it will also service as a checklist while they are doing their inspection so that nothing gets overlooked.

CSA Weekly PDF CSA 282-09 Table 2
CSA Monthly PDF CSA 282-09 Table 3
CSA Semi-Annual PDF CSA 282-09 Table 4
CSA Annual PDF CSA 282-09 Table 5
CSA 5 Year PDF CSA 282-09 Table 6
CSA Unscheduled PDF  


Quick Link to Guidelines

Weekly CSA 282-09 Table 2
Monthly CSA 282-09 Table 3
Semi-Annual CSA 282-09 Table 4
Annual CSA 282-09 Table 5
Quinquennial CSA 282-09 Table 6

We can offer you a great rate for one of our technicians to come in and take care of your monthly inspection.

Take advantage of our ONE-TO-ONE SEMINAR that we do at your location. This is a FREE visit to your site. In the one-to-one seminar you will have the benefit of a free instruction visit of your emergency back-up generator. This is a personal visit to help you to better understand how your system is set up and how it works.

We also provide onsite training for those who are assigned to perform the weekly and monthly inspections. If your onsite staff are not comfortable in performing the monthly inspection, or if you don't have anyone to do the monthly inspection, we can offer you a great rate for one of our technicians to come in and take care of it for you.


To contact GenerSys Inc., please call 905-751-5549 or send an email to