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CSA 282-15 Guidelines for Generator Maintenance

Download CSA 282-15 Logs

Table 2 - Weekly inspection, test, and maintenance requirements

(See Clauses 6.7, 6.8.1, 6.11.2, 7.3.1, 7.6.1, 10.7, 11.1.2, 11.4, 11.5.1, and 11.5.2 and Tables 3 to 5.)

1. Consumables:
(a) Inspect day tank fuel level (gas pressure) and main tank level (gas pressure) (if applicable). There shall be a minimum supply of 2 h (see Clause 7.3.1).
(b) Inspect lubricating oil level.
(c) Inspect engine coolant level.
(d) Inspect engine, generator, fuel tank(s), and cooling systems for leakage.
(e) Inspect for proper operation of fuel transfer pump (if applicable).
(f) Inspect fuel filter for contamination if filter is equipped with a transparent bowl.

2. Starter system:
(a) Inspect electric starter for cleanliness, mounting, and terminal security.
(b) Air starter:
(i) Inspect air tanks for pressure.
(ii) Inspect valves for leakage.
(iii) Test auxiliary engine and compressor for proper operation.
(iv) Bleed off any condensation.

CSA Weekly PDF CSA 282-09 Table 2
CSA Monthly PDF CSA 282-09 Table 3
CSA Semi-Annual PDF CSA 282-09 Table 4
CSA Annual PDF CSA 282-09 Table 5
CSA 5 Year PDF CSA 282-09 Table 6
CSA Unscheduled PDF  


Quick Link to Guidelines

Weekly CSA 282-09 Table 2
Monthly CSA 282-09 Table 3
Semi-Annual CSA 282-09 Table 4
Annual CSA 282-09 Table 5
Quinquennial CSA 282-09 Table 6

Please take your time and familiarize yourself with the requirements of each testing requirements

3. Batteries and charging equipment:
(a) Inspect all battery cells for correct electrolyte fill level (applicable to vented or flooded lead-acid batteries only).
(b) Test all battery cells for correct electrolyte specific gravity (applicable to vented or flooded lead-acid batteries only).
(c) Inspect electrical connections for tightness and evidence of corrosion.
(d) Inspect battery for cleanliness and dryness between terminals.
(e) Inspect charger electrical connections for cleanliness and tightness.

4. Engine:
(a) Test lubricant and/or coolant heaters for proper operation.
(b) Inspect governor control linkages and oil level (if applicable).
(c) Inspect fuel pump oil sump (if applicable).
(d) Inspect fan belts for correct tension and wear.

5. Control panel:
(a) Inspect control panel covers for security.
(b) Test annunciator lamps to confirm that they are operational.
(c) Inspect control panel settings (ensure that the unit is ready for automatic start up).
(d) Test remote visual and audible trouble signals at the building fire alarm panel.

6. Inspect air control louvre settings to ensure proper operation.

7. Test emergency lighting unit(s).

8. Verify whether room temperature is above 10 °C.

9. Inspect generator and transfer switch room(s) for cleanliness and accessibility to all components of the emergency system.

10. Correct all defects found during inspections and tests.

11. Record all inspections, tests, and corrective actions in the log (see Clause 11.5.3).

Note: The work described in this Table shall be carried out by a competent person or individuals trained by the system manufacturer


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